
药学技术人员 招生

When are applications accepted?
The program starts every fall quarter and takes one year to complete. 应用程序 for the fall 2022 program will be accepted starting June 1st, 2023.

What are the program requirements?

  • You must be 18 by the start of the clinicals to apply (clinicals start the fourth 节目的四分之一)
  • 申请WVC, this is a separate application from the 药学技术人员 Application
    • Applicants should obtain placement in English and math before submitting their application in order to receive proper advising towards the AAS-T.
  • Read the application instructions
  • Complete the 药学技术人员 Application (PDF)
  • Attach 一个密封的官员 high school 成绩单 or 一个密封的官员 ® 成绩单 to your 药学技术人员 Application
  • Attach up-to-date sealed, official college 成绩单s from all colleges where you have earned credit (excluding WVC)
    • If you have entire 成绩单s that are over 10 years old, contact the 盟军的健康 教育计划
    • You can have your 成绩单s mailed directly to WVC but it is preferred that you attach them to your application
  • 提交申请

How are applications evaluated?
应用程序 include a review of high school and/or college 成绩单s. 学生 must have passed High School Level English with a C or better and passed Algebra or higher-level math class with a C or better. If students have taken college courses, they must have passed English 97 or higher with a C or better and Math 98-Algebra or higher with a C or better. 学生 may also take a placement test prior to acceptance if these requirements cannot be met by 成绩单s.

Selection of students for the program is based on grades.  学生 with the highest cumulative college GPA are admitted.

How are transfer credits evaluated?
If you have transfer credits, it is recommended that you have your credits evaluated by requesting an official 信用评估(PDF).

What do I need to complete if I am accepted? 
All applicants will be notified about a month after applying.  如果你被录取了 to the 药学技术人员 program, you must complete all the requirements detailed on 本页(PDF) as well as all items listed in the acceptance packet.  You should also be prepared to pay a $50, non-refundable, acceptance fee.

What else should I know before applying?

  • Acceptance to WVC does not guarantee acceptance to the 药学技术人员 program.
  • If you leave the 药学技术人员 program for any reason, contact the Director of the 药学技术人员 program to discuss your re-entry options at (509) 682-6660.
  • On-the-job physical requirements include the ability to lift 50 pounds, carry 20 pounds, sit for 4 hours, and stand for 8-12 hours.
  • Conviction of certain crimes may prevent completion of the clinical requirements of the program and may prevent future licensure and employment in health care.  一个罪犯 record check is required prior to any clinical training experience or clinical field 旅行.  If you have a criminal record, meet with the Dean of 盟军的健康 and Nursing ((509) 682-6660) to determine if your criminal history would prevent access to a health care facility.