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College in the High School Students


  • 提高完成大学水平工作的能力和技能,为大学生活树立信心 success.
  • 通过获得免学费/减免学费的大学学分来省钱,并减少金额 of time after high school to complete a college degree.
  • WVC学分可转换到州内的所有学院/大学和许多大学 other institutions outside of the state.
  • 进入军队的学生可以凭借获得的大学学分获得更高的军衔.
  • Provides access to WVC student support services such as MyWVC 2.0,  use of WVC library and tutoring services.
  • 研究表明,CHS学生更有可能完成大学学业并获得更多学分 by the second year of college.

High School & WVC

  • 将WVC和高中管理人员和教师聚集在一起开发课程, 分享最终使学生受益的教学方法、思想和经验.
  • 协调课程减少了高中和大学之间的课程冗余 and increases rigor of classes.
  • 满足学生获得大学学分的新成就计划的目标 before graduation.
  • 获得学分的高中生更有可能按时完成大学学业 helps meet requirements of completion agenda.
  • 研究表明,高中毕业率会随着学生的参与而提高 CTE and/or CHS.

希望在高中注册CHS课程的学生必须首先符合资格 for the program.  根据华盛顿州管理学院的规定 高中,9-12年级的学生有资格参加WVC CHS课程.   They must 满足WVC对大学水平课程的要求(见下文).




High School Transcript

2.5gpa or higher

ENGL 101(所有大学水平的课程,除了数学或有额外先决条件的课程)


Level 3 or higher

ENGL 101(所有大学水平的课程,除了数学或有额外先决条件的课程)

Smarter Balanced Assessment:  Mathematics

Level 3

MATH 107, 140, 146, 171, 200, PHIL 120


Smarter Balanced Assessment: Mathematics

Level  4

MATH 107, 140, 141, 142, 146, 148, 151, 171, 200, PHIL 120

ACT English

20 or higher

ENGL 101(所有大学水平的课程,除了数学或有额外先决条件的课程)

ACT Reading

21 or higher

ENGL 101(所有大学水平的课程,除了数学或有额外先决条件的课程)

SAT Reading

500 or Higher

ENGL 101(所有大学水平的课程,除了数学或有额外先决条件的课程)

SAT Mathematics


MATH 107, 140, 146, 171, 200, PHIL 120

SAT Mathematics

650 or higher

MATH 107, 140, 141, 142, 146, 148, 151, 171, 200, PHIL 120

PSAT Reading

500 or higher

ENGL 101(所有大学水平的课程,除了数学或有额外先决条件的课程)

High School Transcript Placement-Algebra 2

C or higher

MATH 107, 140, 146, 171, 200, PHIL 120

B or higher

MATH 107, 140, 141, 146, 171, 200, PHIL 120

High School Transcript Placement-Precalculus

C or higher

MATH 107, 140, 141, 146, 171, 200, PHIL 120

B or higher

MATH 142, 148, or lower

High School Transcript Placement-Precalculus w/Trigonometry

B or higher

MATH 151 or lower



AP Calculus AB


MATH 152 or lower

AP Calculus BC


MATH 153 or lower



成绩/成绩单提交给加拿大28大学并行招生主任 山谷学院由高中教师或高中行政人员保证 student has qualified to enroll in the CHS course.  If the course has additional prerequisites 在安置规则之外,学生必须提供满足的文件 requirement to the Director of Concurrent Enrollment.  Qualifying students must enroll 在高中校园的CHS课程,以获得大学学分.  同时招生主任将与高中管理员一起工作 and qualified students to complete the WVC registration process. Registration is completed 并提交给WVC进行处理,以确保CHS学生被录取 in the specified sections for their high school.  


从2023年9月1日起,高等教育机构必须提供招生 并在大学注册符合资格的高中课程 为九年级,十年级,十一年级的学生免费获得大学学分, or 12th grade at public high schools. Credits can count as core requirements or electives.

Click here to activate your account

1.)您首先需要激活您的ctcLink帐户并创建一个密码. You must have your WVC/ctcLink student identification number handy. 如果你把它放错了地方,你可以向你的高中老师要你的SID.

2.) Click on the Activate ctcLink icon (example below):


Your username is your WVC/ctcLink student identification number. The password will 是您在激活时选择3个安全问题后创建的 your account.

You will be taken to this screen below:


一旦你激活了你的帐户,点击ctcLink登录图标来查看你的 account (example below):


从这个页面,你可以访问你的画布,你的时间表,支付学费/费用,打印 非官方成绩单,访问图书馆和它的资源,以及更多!

 CHS学生有权退出他们的课程,如果他们选择.  Withdrawal 可以在高中学期的第10周之前进行,其中CHS课程 is being offered.  Students must first notify their CHS instructor that they wish to withdraw.  Next they need to immediately notify the CHS Director.  Finally, the 学生将需要填写在此找到的课程变更表 link (or in the CHS Student Handbook) and return it to the CHS Director as soon as possible. Any withdrawal forms received 在CHS学术日历上公布的最后日期之后,将不会被撤回 processed and the student will remain in the course. 



Career Center -就业中心为求职者提供广泛的信息和帮助; 包括职业规划,职位列表,简历写作,职业培训等等 career assessments. Wenatchi Hall, First Floor 509.682.6830.

Cashier's Office-收银处处理学费和费用的支付,也出售停车许可证. Wenatchee Hall, First Floor 509.682.6500.

Counseling Dept.-学生服务中心提供学术咨询,重新入学申请,职业咨询, and personal counseling. Wenatchi Hall, First Floor 509.682.6850.

eTutoring-所有目前注册的WVC学生都有资格使用免费的加拿大28开奖辅导 这项服务由华盛顿州、俄勒冈州和爱达荷州的一些大学提供. Online resource at .

Library-图书馆拥有实体和电子馆藏、媒体、自习室、复印机、 and student-use computers. John A. Brown Library Wenatchee Campus 509.682.6860, Omak Campus 509.422.7830.

MathLab-一个学生可以寻求帮助和与WVC数学教师一起工作的地方. It also offers a quiet space for students to do their math homework. Wenatchi Hall, 2nd floor.

Student Access Office-是指导、指导和帮助残疾学生的主要办公室. It 提供住宿和信息的福利,权利和大学的特权 services, programs, and activities. Wenatchi Hall, First Floor 509.682.6854.

Teaching and Learning Center- TLC维护远程学习计划,其中包括支持Canvas, test proctoring, Panopto, Turnitin and e-tutoring. John A. Brown Library 509.682.6718.

Technology Helpdesk-帮助台是学生解决技术相关问题的第一个联络点. Wenatchee campus 509.682.6550.

WriteLab- 写作实验室为您的老师布置的写作提供辅导服务 WVC instructors (no matter the class). Also, you can receive help with college application 信件或奖学金申请,如WVC基金会的一般申请. 导师可以帮助你计划你的写作,引用你的写作,和/或帮助你修改你的 writing before you submit your final draft. Whatever questions you have about your writing, ask them. They will help. Wenatchee Campus Mish ee twie (MET) room 1135, 509.682.6797. Omak Campus, (509) 422-7840.