
Purchasing Card Use


加拿大28谷学院的采购惯例应符合所有 适用的州法规.

所有国家机构的采购都是法定责任(RCW 43).19) of the Washington state Department of General Administration, Office of State Procurement (OSP). Authority has been delegated to 加拿大28山谷学院 for the purchase of OSP制定的指导方针下的某些商品和服务. 国家规定的 statue (RCW 43.19), only the designated purchasing officer of a state agency is authorized 抵押:以国家的信用担保商品和服务. 所有设备、用品 and services must therefore be ordered through the college purchasing office. RCW 43.19.185 authorizes the college to use a purchasing card for making purchases under GA制定的规则. 应授权校园部门采购 supplies and equipment using the purchasing card under the procedures outlined below. 每位使用购货卡的员工必须确保所有购货都符合规定 适用的法律、法规和规章. 不符合这些程序的采购 shall not be considered binding upon the college and any obligations arising from the unauthorized purchase will become the responsibility of the individual placing the order. The purchasing officer retains the authority to manage the purchase card program 在学院内部,对滥用或违规行为采取适当的纪律措施.

A. 采购卡计划概述

这个项目是华盛顿州和加拿大28山谷学院选择的 decided to use is U.S. 银行企业支付系统VISA卡.

该程序旨在提高采购的效率、灵活性和便利性 为加拿大28谷学院提供低金额的商品和服务. Purchases from suppliers that accept the VISA credit card may be charged to the purchase card. Some 本项目采购的例子包括:

  1. 音像带.
  2. Subscriptions.
  3. Books.
  4. 会议注册*.
  5. 保养和修理材料.
  6. Consumable supplies.


Please note: This card cannot be used for personal purchases or as personal identification under any circumstances.

卡丢失或被盗必须立即致电美国银行报失.S. Bank Corporate 付款系统客户服务部电话(800)344-5696,并通知采购人员 在财务处工作,也是你们部门的信用卡保管员.

购买卡只能用于WVC的业务交易. The card does not replace the existing purchasing regulations, it is a tool to enable the purchasing 过程,并且使用通常适用的状态契约仍然适用. The card may not be used to purchase equipment, materials, or supplies restricted 通过合同协议或政策. 信用额度将适用于个人和集体 购买和分割交易(将购买分开以避免达到单一购买) 限制)是违反这些程序的.

There are Merchant Category Code (MCC) restrictions on all college purchasing cards 特别禁止购买汽车租赁,机票,预支现金 旅游(住宿、餐饮等).)使用购货卡. 以下限制 also apply.

  1. WVC代购卡不能用于购买以下物品:
    1. 广告/招聘,而不是通过社区关系和人力资源.
    2. Alcohol.
    3. Beverages/food.
    4. 基本设备(单项费用超过300美元).00).
    5. Cash advances.
    6. 毕业典礼或毕业典礼费用.
    7. 电脑/硬件/软件/配件,而不是通过TIS.
    8. 顾问/喇叭/酬金/演员/独立承包人.
    9. 受管制物品(处方药、麻醉品等.).
    10. 租用会议设施(住宿等)的保证金.).
    11. Donations.
    12. 娱乐费用——门票、旅游等.
    13. 罚款、滞纳金或罚金/利息/财务费用.
    14. Flowers.
    15. 气体,压缩或液体.
    16. Live animals.
    17. Lobbying costs.
    18.  维护协议.
    19. Office furniture.
    20.  Personal purchases.
    21. Split transactions (dividing purchase to avoid reaching single item or transaction limit).
    22. 电话——蜂窝电话或台式电话.
    23. 旅游(住宿、餐饮、机票等.).
    24. Vehicle rental.
  2. Limits
    1. 单笔交易限额:800美元.包括运费、处理费和税金,不管怎样 项的数量.
    2. 每月购买限额:每张卡每个结算周期的最高限额为2,500美元.00.
    3. 每日限额:每天3笔交易. 这可以防止丢失/被盗卡“走” 并减少欺诈损失.


B.  购货卡使用程序

  1. Administration
    采购人员应保持所有卡的总清单,提供 orientation, review department purchasing practices to ensure proper procedures are being followed, and retain authority to take appropriate measures when policies or 违反了程序. 购买卡将被重置为1美元.00 purchasing 每年设定的采购截止日期的限制,以便收到发票 在财政截止日期之前. 在该日期之后,信用卡不得再收费 在本财政年度余下的时间里.

    1. 指定卡片保管人.
    2. 为卡片保管人建立授权控制. 这包括对 购买的类型,每笔交易的美元限额,或其他控制部门 除了WVC的限制和控制外,管理员还为该部门建立了相应的限制和控制.
    3. 建立维护卡片安全的程序.
    4. 授权卡片管理人向授权的部门员工发放卡片 并维护授权用户列表.
    5. 审核和批准付款,并确保及时对账月度报表.
    6. 确保遵守采购程序. 误用卡片或没有跟随 proper procedures will result in the termination of credit card privileges for the 在部门工作至少三个月.
  2. Card Custodian
    持卡人将确保使用该卡的员工了解其限制 放置其使用后,将负责以下程序的控制 the use of the card:
    1. 把信用卡锁在安全的地方,把它当作现金对待.
    2. 维护结帐日志,记录以下信息:
      1. 退房日期/时间.
      2. 用户名/姓名的首字母.
      3. 购买描述/大约. cost.
      4. Account code.
      5. 入住日期及时间.
      6. 由卡管理员签名入住.
    3. 发卡使用前,请取得完整的信用卡购买授权 来自请求者的表格.
    4. Record the information on the checkout log and issue the card to the requestor.
    5. 当卡被退回时,获取销售单、电话订单、传真或电子邮件 confirmation, compare to the authorization form, and complete checkout log entry.
    6. 维护每月收费活动日志,以便用户记录以下信息:
      1. Order date.
      2. Supplier/contact.
      3. 描述及数量.
      4. Account number.
      5. 每件价格/退款.
      6. Delivery cost.
      7. Tax.
      8. 交易总额.
      9. Delivery date.
      10. 卡管理人签名/管理员签名.


    7. 在结算周期结束时,采购办公室将发送一份月结单 给部门的和解声明. 不能核对月度报表 在及时的情况下将被终止信用卡特权的理由 department.
    8. 定期确认分配给你部门的信用卡已入账 办理并立即向银行(800 344-5696)和采购部报告遗失卡 officer. Failure to report a missing card immediately will be grounds for termination 部门的信用卡特权.
    9. 及时通知部门主管任何已知或怀疑的不当行为 使用购物卡.
  3. Purchaser
    Determine whether the purchasing card is the most appropriate tool to use for this 采购并确保遵守规定和程序(检查是否有限制) 使用前的物品或国家合同). 一定不要超过总额 the card’s single purchase limit; the total must include all handling/shipping charges and tax. Washington state use tax will be added to any applicable purchase which does 不包括销售税,所以总是加8.在计算总销售额时,4%的税. The purchaser 谁对用该卡购买的商品负责.

    随身携带时,请始终将卡片放在安全的地方. Lost or stolen 持卡人必须立即向银行报告(800-344-5696),购买 官员和卡片管理人. 如果不能立即报失卡,可能会造成损失 in the department being responsible for unauthorized charges and will be grounds for 终止本部门的信用卡优惠.

    不提交采购申请单或采购凭证 card; it is unnecessary and in could result in duplication of the order.
  4. 用信用卡购物:
    1. Complete a credit card purchase authorization form and have signed by administrator.
    2. 将填妥的表格交给你所在部门的卡片管理员.
    3. 信用卡可用于亲自、电话、传真或安全互联网付款 site.
    4. 获得收据,完成电话订购表格,或打印出加拿大28开奖确认 at the time of purchase and turn it in when you return the card; send a copy to receiving, (facilities building), so that they are aware of the order coming in and will know 应该送到哪里.
    5. Remember to give the supplier your name, department name, phone number and complete 如果您不提货,请填写送货说明. 如果你的名字不在上面 the shipment, central services will have no means to identify that it is your order. 无法识别的订单将被退回给发件人. 发货吗? to:

      1300 Fifth Street
      加拿大28WA 98801-1741

    6.  填写购货单 card monthly activity log at the time you turn in the card and receipt.

      When receiving the goods, retain all boxes, containers, special packaging, packing slips, etc.,直到你确定订单没有问题,你才可以 我要保留货物. 买方有责任在货物到达时进行检验.
  5. Purchasing by phone
    按照指示进行采购,包括采购卡授权 form. 电话订货时必须作书面记录. 填写购货单 card telephone order form and give the form to the department card custodian when returning the card.
    1. When you call in an order, state that you are calling from 加拿大28山谷学院 并且您将使用VISA卡付款.
    2. 记录下单人的名字.
    3. 下订单并向供应商提供您的采购卡号和截止日期.
    4. 给供应商你的名字,部门名称,电话号码和完整的交货说明; 并说明你的名字必须清楚地写在运输标签上.
    5. 要求在购买时附上收据和/或包装单. Submit this 寄给你的部门卡管理员,附在你的电话订购单上.
  6. 以邮寄、传真或网上方式:
    Follow the steps for purchasing card use and applicable steps for phone orders. Retain 所使用的任何订单的副本,以及发送地址. Return the order form copy along with order confirmations or receipts to the card custodian when you return the card. 发送一份副本到接收端.

    使用信用卡在网上购物时,至少要小心 these areas:
    1. 确保该公司是一家真正的公司.e.,供应商你已经做了生意 与先前的或已建立声誉的).
    2. When supplying the card number via the Web, be sure it is encrypted in an acceptable manner. 如果信息没有加密,或者你不愿意提供 the card number, many companies offer the option of placing the order via the Web 然后在收到订单后通过电话提供卡号(最好) 你打电话给他们,而不是他们打电话给你). 如果您不确定网站是否加密, 请联系技术帮助台获取帮助.

      Note: WVC has corporate accounts with several vendors and the corporate account must be 在网上下订单时使用.g.: Amazon.com and Office Depot. Card custodians 是否应该联系采购员将他们部门的卡注册 these accounts. 未通过公司账户下单的订单可能会被拒绝. 公司账户将在可用时添加,并通知信用卡托管人
  7. 退货,损坏货物,信用
    If goods purchased with a purchasing card need to be returned, the purchaser should 直接与供应商合作.
    1. 始终保留盒子,容器,特殊包装,装箱单等. until you 你们确定要留下这批货吗. 有些物品不能退货 原包装材料.
    2. 仔细阅读所附的所有说明. 通常是电话号码和其他指示 是否包括在装箱单和/或收据上.
    3. 许多供应商要求事先获得“退货授权号码(RAN)” you return an item. 如果你忽略了这个号码,你的退货可能会被拒绝 供应商并没有给学院发放学分.
    4. Enclose a copy of the packing slip, mark the item being returned, and note why it is being returned. 提供有关如何与您联系的完整信息.
    5. 按照规定的方式在装箱单上和箱外写上“RAN”编号 由供应商提供,并在包装盒上贴上清楚的标签.
    6.  如果问题完全是责任所在,则不应收取补货费 供应商或托运人的. 然而,如果他们不完全负责 返回时,您可能需要支付费用并使用购物卡.
    7. 把你准备好的货物送到服务中心装运. If you need help in packaging goods for return, assistance may be available through the service center.
    8. 保留所有显示退货货物的记录,并确认该物品没有出现 在月度对账单上或已正确记入贷方.
  8. 有争议的交易
    Purchaser should immediately notify the card custodian of any items in dispute so 每月的对账将反映适当的信息.

    The card custodian is responsible for insuring that only received and accepted items 被批准付款. 账单纠纷可能是由于未收到账单而引起的 goods, fraud, misuse, incorrect charges, defective merchandise, incorrect amounts, 重复收费和信用未处理. 买方试图解决 任何直接与供应商有关的问题. 如果你不能解决这个问题 供应商,请立即致电U.S. 银行客户服务(800-344-5696)寻求帮助. 您将被要求记录纠纷,并发送一封格式信给美国.S. Bank Customer Service within 60 days of the first statement on which the disputed charge occurred. 有争议的项目将反映在未偿余额中,但不包括在内 在应付的总金额中. 当有争议的事项得到解决时,分项贷记 会显示在报表上吗.
  9. 每月帐单
    一个月的对账表将被发送到每个部门已经发布 a purchasing card. 持卡人必须核实每月账单的准确性 报表,供应具体的预算数字,每次采购是要收费的,并填写 in the portion of the purchasing card monthly log pertaining to the reconciliation. As part of the review process, the card custodian will compare the transactions on the statement with the source documentation (sales slips, credit slips, invoices) and approve for payment items that have been received, accepted and correctly billed. 持卡人将在对账单上输入相应的预算代码并进行初始化 each approved item. (记住:只有那些你直接授权的预算可以 被用于这些费用.)任何有争议的项目也将在声明中注明.

    卡管理员在每月活动日志,日志和所有内容上签字后 source documentation is presented to the card custodian’s supervisor for approval and signature. 然后将签名的原始月度日志转发给采购部 officer. 自2007年7月1日起,所有文件将附在日志和 转发给采购人员. 日志和所有备份文件的副本 is kept on file in the department and kept for the period required by the records retention schedule. 如有必要,财务处会派人来 will request a review of the monthly activity log(s) and other documentation.

    不能核对月度报表 and forward to the purchasing officer in a 及时付款将被取消本部门的信用卡优惠.

    After accounts payable has received the activity logs from the purchasing officer, all approved purchases will be coded to the appropriate budget, and the statement paid. Your department’s monthly budget status report will show these charges as “Pcard #___ Name of Vendor.”

