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Academic Dishonesty


任何从事任何形式的学术不诚实行为的学生都可能受到纪律处分. 学术不诚实的常见例子包括(但不限于):作弊; fabrication; plagiarism; facilitating, aiding or abetting others in academic dishonesty; collusion; or resubmitting work previously submitted for another 课程 without 教练 许可. 学术不诚实可能会受到学术制裁和/或准则的约束 of conduct sanctions.


学生应保持高标准的学术诚实和诚信 in accordance with the code of student conduct.

  1. 学生不得向他人提供未经授权的信息或接受未经授权的信息 information from another person during any type of examination.
  2. 学生不得在未经授权的情况下获得或提供任何问题或答案 the examination prior to the time of the examination.
  3. 学生不得在任何考试中使用未经授权的答案.

A student shall not engage in any form of plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as submitting 向教员出示学生伪造的工作成果 教师视学生为自己的工作成果,以满足为目的 或部分完成教师要求的任何任务或任务 part of the student’s program of instruction. 学生 are expected to know and comply 遵循学院制定的公认的课堂程序和学术标准 教师.


学生可能会受到学术制裁以及纪律处分 未能达到公认的学术标准的学术不诚实行为 the college or in violation of the code of conduct. Disciplinary action can result 受到纪律处分,包括开除校籍. 以下 academic sanctions may be imposed:

  1. 老师可能会给学生一个不及格的项目/测试/论文, 等.
  2. 老师可能会在某门课上给学生一个不及格的分数.
  3. 一个部门可能会建议学生从WVC项目中被开除. 任何学生 从事任何形式的学术不诚实行为都应受到纪律处分. 常见的 instances of academic dishonesty include (but are not limited to): cheating; fabrication; plagiarism; facilitating, aiding or abetting others in academic dishonesty; collusion; 或未经教师许可,重新提交以前提交的另一门课程的作业.

教师和学生有责任维护学术标准和诚信 在课堂上. 学术不诚实的学术后果可能由课程规定 教练. 这些后果可能包括但不超过“F”级 课程. The process can include but not limited to:

  1. 教师试图通知学生涉嫌学术欺诈 and give the student an opportunity to respond. The notice and the opportunity may be informal and need not be in writing. Penalties for any disciplinary infraction 必须通过行为准则和既定程序来实施吗.
  2. 教师被鼓励向该部门报告学术不诚实事件 学生服务主席(VPSS)通过学院的事件报告程序.
  3. 收到此类报告后,VPSS应向学生提供书面通知 that a report has been made, and next steps.
  4. VPSS可以在收到学术不诚实的报告后采取纪律处分.
  5. 一个以上的学术不诚实事件的报告将自动启动 disciplinary action.


  1. Academic dishonesty 教练 action: Notifies student.
    1. 如果一门课的老师发现学生有学术上的不诚实行为, is responsible for determining the action to be taken.
    2. 老师在上课前与学生讨论学术上的不诚实 any formal action.
    3. 如果作为与学生讨论的结果,需要采取正式的行动,行动 the 教练 may take include but are not limited to:
      1. 给论文、项目或考试扣分.
      2. 不及格的:给全部或部分分数打F、零分或减少分数的 of a particular paper, project or examination.
    4. 老师通知学生该课程的最终成绩可能会降低 upon resolution of the academic dishonesty issue.
    5. 教师通过电子邮件或发给学生一份完整的“教师处罚信” 说明对学术不诚实应采取的行动.
    6. 老师通知学生这门课不计分 until the academic dishonesty issue has been resolved.
  2. Instructor action: Notifies vice president of student services.
    1. 教职员工将所有学术不诚实的情况通知VPSS where an academic penalty has been administered to a student.
    2. The 教师 member sends the VPSS a copy of the “Instructor Sanction Letter或给学生写一封电子邮件,提供所有必要的信息 学术上的不诚实行为和导师打算指派的行为.
  3. Student action: Meet with vice president of student services.
    1. The 教练 may request that the student meet with the VPSS.
    2. VPSS告知学生学术不诚实的含义和后果 that could result.
    3. 如果有重复的学术不诚实事件,VPSS将启动纪律处分 process as described in the code of conduct.
  4. Student Withdrawal when Academic Dishonesty is Suspected:
    1. 如果存在学术欺诈行为,学生将不允许退课 学生涉嫌或有学术不诚实行为.
  5. Registrar Action:
    1. VPSS将学生的姓名和所学课程通知注册官 dishonesty is under investigation.
    2. 注册主任将确保学生不可能放弃该课程 and receive a “W” grade.


  1. 学生可以上诉学术制裁或纪律处分的结果 向学术管理委员会提交行为准则程序.
  2. 学生应遵循学生学术申诉程序中规定的程序.

Approved by the president’s cabinet: 9/28/21
Presented to the board of trustees: __/__/__
Last reviewed: 9/28/21
Policy contact: Student 服务

Related policies and procedures
400.120 Academic Grievance Policy
400.125 Academic Dishonesty Policy
1400.100 Student Rights and Freedoms 过程
1400.110 Code of Student Conduct 过程
1400.120 Academic Grievance 过程